Hello, I’m Brandi!


Are you ready

to start building the business of your dreams?

Get the Business Building fundamentals checklist!

Discover the Courage to follow your unique Purpose

Grow your Courage into Confidence

Build your Business foundation with Clarity

I’ve been where you are…

Feeling enthusiastic, but simultaneously directionless about where and how to begin.

Wishing there was a sequential outline to follow of what to prioritize as you build your business.

Wanting to understand the fundamentals of your business, so you dont’ have to keep paying someone else hard earned dollars to help you make changes as you grow.

Feeling “solutions overload,” and overwhelmed by the time it takes to determine what you need, and how to use it most effectively.

Wishing you had a supportive community to go to for help, clarity and simple compassion.


Meet your Coach

Small business is in my blood…

I grew up in a small business home.  My dad is a Montana water well driller.  My mom did the books.  I grew up answering calls, and helping fix broken pumps.  By age 12, I was installing sprinkler systems with my uncle in his business. I watched my family show up, over and over, even on Christmas Day, because people need water.

I hold the same, solid commitment to small business.  It’s in my blood.  I whole heartedly believe in the potential of small businesses to empower our personal lives, our communities, and our world which is why I choose to support small businesses at every possible chance.

I’ve personally started 3 businesses- one product based, one software based, and one service based.  This program is my 4th.  Building businesses lights me up!  It’s helped me to discover myself and transform my character.

I would be honored to help you grow your courage, your confidence, and your business.


I’m a StoryBrand Certified Guide.

If you’re not familiar with StoryBrand, um…it’s FABULOUS!

StoryBrand is a proven messaging formula that helps businesses clearly communicate what they do and why they matter to their customers. It’s based on years of communication and story telling research.

StoryBrand harnesses the timeless principles of good storytelling and uses them as a framework to engage your audience.

It creates a foundational messaging “script” that is customer centered, and presents your product or business as the solution to their need. Once you have this baseline, it can be used throughout all of your marketing to keep your messaging consistent and clear. This ultimately makes you and your business appear more professional and valuable.

It’s so functional and valuable, I recommend it to any and every small business to help save time, and money while building authority and confidence. 

Learn how to grow the business of your dreams in just three steps.

Access Clarity

Believe it or not, you already know your purpose, you’ve just lost touch with it.


  • Rediscover your inner compass.
  • Grow your clarity & motivation for your unique purpose & offering.
  • Develp a plan to share it with others.

Develop Courage

Entreprenuership requires immense courage- again, and again, and again.

  • Weekly journal & contemplation prompts with associatied action step.
  • Weekly mindset, meditation & accountability call.
  • Supportive community and for shared growth & celebration.

Build Confidently

There are fundamental pieces to building a functional, scalable, successful business.


  • Follow a clear, step by step plan.
  • Access insight & guidance from years of entreprenuership experience.
  • Build within a structured community.


The Programs

coming soon

Path to Purpose Incubator

Coming Soon

Courage to Confidence Circle

Now Open

Business Building Blueprint

Coming Soon

Path to Purpose Incubator

Are you feeling stuck or unfulfilled in your current career or personal pursuits? Are you searching for a sense of direction and meaning in your life? If so, this course is designed to guide you towards finding your true purpose and turning it into a fulfilling reality.

Coming Soon

Courage to Confidence Circle

Don’t want to go it alone? Join a community of like-minded individuals who are committed to living mindfully and intentionally while building their businesses. We believe that true confidence requires courage, self-awareness, and a willingness to step outside our comfort zones – all essential qualities for successful business owners.



Business Building Blueprint

Are you an aspiring entrepreneur or an existing solopreneur who is ready to take your business to the next level? Do you want to create a solid foundation for your business and learn how to grow and scale with confidence? If so, this course will guide you step by step through your business and marketing fundamentals.

Mini Products

Mini Offer Name


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Mini Offer Name


Phasellus a odio augue. Morbi iaculis egestas posuere. Nullam et maximus dui, at convallis dui. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed vestibulum consequat leo, mollis cursus diam vulputate eu.

Mini Offer Name


Phasellus a odio augue. Morbi iaculis egestas posuere. Nullam et maximus dui, at convallis dui. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed vestibulum consequat leo, mollis cursus diam vulputate eu.

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Frequently asked questions

Q: Question goes right here?

A: Your answer goes here

Q: Question goes right here?

A: Your answer goes here

Q: Question goes right here?

A: Your answer goes here

Q: Question goes right here?

A: Your answer goes here

Q: Question goes right here?

A: Your answer goes here

Q: Question goes right here?

A: Your answer goes here

Q: Question goes right here?

A: Your answer goes here

Q: Question goes right here?

A: Your answer goes here

Money Back Guarantee

Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?

A: Yes absolutely! We swear by our training, so much so we offer a 7-Day no-questions-asked money-back-guarantee.
