Business Building Blueprint

Follow a proven, step-by-step, blueprint to build the business of your dreams.

Stop waisting time and money with random, one-off programs

Instead, follow a clear blueprint that provides all the steps you need, in chronilogical order, to build a solid business foundation. Create a framework, and learn the skills necessary, to continue to grow your business over time.

7 Day Refund Guarantee


You’re tired of…

Feeling directionless

There are so many steps to building a business, it’s hard to know what to focus on first.   Which steps build upon each other?

Waisting money & time

Continually paying other people for services or products that need to change with the growth of your business.  Or, spending countless hours trying to learn new software, skills or strategies. 

Solutions overload

There are so many options on the market. The overwhelm of trying to decide which is best for your business can lead to “analysis paralysis”.

Feeling isolated

Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart.  Too many hours spent alone building your business can leave you feeling lonely and misunderstood.  

Now you’re looking for a better way to build the business of your dreams!

You need an easy, comprehensive solution…

Chronological Plan

Follow a clear, step-by-step framework to build your business foundation.  Each module will build upon the previous, giving you clarity and understanding of how the various aspects of your business work together.  

Guidance & Accountability

Business building takes time and discipline.  There will inevitably be road bumps along the way.  Utilize easily accessible support along the way to overcome obstacles and stay on the track to success. 

Community & Support

Feedback and encouragement throughout the journey of entreprenuership are crucial. You don’t have to go it alone. Connect with other courageous business builders for ideas, feedback and friendship. 

You want to be a successful entreprenuer, so…


Why would you hand the controls of your business over to someone else?

What if instead, you could create your business how you want from the ground up?  What if you could feel empowered while you build a business that truly reflects your goals and your dreams?

Sounds too good to be true? Keep reading and I’ll show you exactly how!

The first business I created was an all natural, zero waste skincare company.  A small operation that began in my kitchen with 7 different herbal balms,  eventually grew to over 135 products and sold for six figures! 

But, I’ll be honest with you

Getting to this point wasn’t easy

Like many entrepreneurs do, I began with a whole lot of enthusiasm and hope…

And that’s about it!  I had a passion and a hobby that I wanted to start sharing with others.  To be honest, this authentic drive turned out to be critical, but it wasn’t enough.

I started at our local farmer’s market.  It was so fun and friendly.  It was a great place to begin, but I quickly realized that there wasn’t enough traffic to turn my hobby into a profitable business.  So, I started branching out to regional art and craft fairs to expand my audience.

This also worked, but customers wanted to know where they could find me for re-orders, which led to needing a website.

About this same time, I won a grant for my small business.  This was a huge asset!  I used this to build my website, expand my product line, have professional labels created, purchase equipment… It felt like I was finally creating a stable foundation to grow from. 


If only I knew then what I know now…

At that point, my logo was original and that’s about it.

I hadn’t learned anything about ideal customers, branding or messaging, so I was mimicking other successful skincare companies.  I adopted similar styles and language in hopes that it would produce similar success.

I didn’t invest time into researching my ideal customers or identifying my unique value.  I didn’t think about whether my branding or messaging was clear, whether it spoke to the people who wanted my products.  I didn’t learn the systems and processes necessary to build my authentic business. I just went for it.

I paid other people over $70,000 to create a my business.  Someone else built my website.  Someone else designed my labels.  Someone else started my email list.  Someone else helped set up my social media pages.

I had all the infrastructure I needed to really start growing my business…

but then,

I got a Cease & Desist order…

from a multi-million dollar company. And the grant money was all gone.  Everything that had been built couldn’t be used, and I was back at square one.

Have you heard the saying, “Rejection is redirection”? Well, after I cried A LOT, I knew I had to pivot.

When I could finally think straight, I realized I had to use this redirection to truly make my business my own.  I had no other choice, but to begin again, on my own.  The website, the labels, the emails, the social media… They all had to be redone, and I only had me this time.

So I learned…


How to identify my Ideal Customer Avatar (ICA)


How to direct my branding & messaging to my ICA


How to design my website to attract & close sales


How to use email to grow my customers & sales


How to structure & manage my marketing & advertising


How to structure & use Social Media in an authentic, effective way


How to feel honest & good about selling my products

In addition to the school of hard knocks, I spent hundreds of hours and tens of thousands of dollars to learn what I needed to build my business.

I’ve gone on to take numerous trainings on business development and marketing over the years, and most recently I’ve become a StoryBrand Messaging and Marketing Certified Guide.

Now, looking back, I can now say with gratitude that the redirection was ultimately a gift. I’ve since built all my businesses from the ground up and have made them my own. I’ve learned how to create a brand, infused with my heart, that resonates with my ideal customers. And I’m now able to sell my products with confidence and authenticity.

So, if you’re building a business, please take it from me: defining your ideal customer avatar, developing your branding and messaging, and understanding your foundational systems, tools and processes are all key to building a successful business that feels genuine and fulfilling. 


Which leads me to now!

I want to help you avoid the mistakes I made!

Let’s build your business in a way that makes you feel empowered, knowledgable, and authentic!  We’ll build your business with:

Courage to Refine

Courage to Present

Courage to Grow

Courage to Connect

The best thing?
This will save you so much time and money Now & for years to come!


Knowing how to manage the foundations of your business make it easier, faster and cheaper for you to make changes as your business grows.

 It also makes it easier to delegate these tasks to someone else when the time comes!

So how does it work exactly?

All it takes are

3 Simple Steps

to Courageously Build your Business!

Do your Homework

Each week you will be provided with new content. Read through the lessons with a curious, can do attitude.  Have fun as you move through the content and lay the foundations of your business.

Ask Questions

There’s no need to get stuck.  Ask for help.  We have weekly calls and Facebook Group support.  No matter what the bump in the road may be, we will find a way through together. 

Take Action

Just start!  You will have the tools and info you need to begin, so do it!  You will also be empowered with the knowledge to change it, so don’t get hung up on perfection, just give it a go!

Is this really worth it?  You bet!

In the last 3 months alone, I’ve saved over $50,000 and months of time by taking control of the creation of my own businesses.

I understand who my ideal customers are and how to confidently communicate with them.

I have clear direction for the development of my business and an understanding of how to build it.

I have the knowledge and access to keep my business assetts current and productive.  

Welcome to…

Business Building Blueprint

A step-by-step plan for Courageous, aspiring womenprenuers to build the business of their dreams! 

7 Day Refund Guarantee


on the inside

What you’ll learn

Phase 1


Defining your niche is a foundational step in your business.  

If you’re selling to everyone, you’re selling to no one.  Your business will be lost in the noise.

Refining will give your business potency and clarity.



Ideal Customer Avatar

Become clear about their needs, challenges and desires.


Brand Identity

Determine the visual style & feel of your brand.


Brand Voice

Create your unique value proposition, elevator pitch & tag line.

Phase 2


Your website is in many cases your first impression.

Design your website to “hook” your customers and motivate them to learn more about your business.

Make your website is a potent revenue generator.



Website visual design

Formatting and visuals that engage verses distract.


Website copy

Clear, compelling and customer centric copywriting.



Keywords and linking to increase website reach. 

Phase 3


Emails remain one of the most profitable and reliable marketing resources.

Learn how to build, automate and optomize your email list.

Utilize email newsletters and promotion campaigns to nurture your audience and drive sales.



Lead Generation

Share value in exchage for email contacts.


Onboarding Emails

Build trust, authority and relationship.


Email Marketing

Stay top-of-mind and build loyal customers.

Phase 4


Being available to your prospects and customers is important, but having too many access points is chaotic.

Determine your optimal availabilty points and how to best manage them. 

Learn easy content creation and repurposing strategies. 



Availability points

Manage how and where you communicate with customers.


Social Media Content

Create your custom social media content calender.


Content Mapping

Learn how to map and reuse your content.

Get instant access to

All of these resources

Join now and you’ll get instant access to:


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Total Value = $1508

Today’s Price = Only $2997


1 payment of $2997

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But wait – there’s more!

We’re going to StoryBrand your Business!

If you aren’t familiar with StoryBrand, um…it’s FABULOUS! StoryBrand is setting the messaging and marketing industry standard.  Many recognizable major brands have used StoryBrand to empower and grow their businesses.

StoryBrand is a proven messaging formula that helps businesses clearly communicate what they do and why they matter to their customers. It’s based on years of communication and story telling research.

StoryBrand harnesses the timeless principles of good storytelling and uses them as a framework to engage your audience.

It creates a foundational messaging “script” that is customer centered, and presents your product or business as the solution to their need. Once you have this baseline, it can be used throughout all of your marketing to keep your messaging consistent and clear. This ultimately makes your business more professional and valuable.

If you want your marketing to be easy and effective, StoryBrand is the way to go.  

Done-with-you StoryBrand coaching!  We’ll work together to build a powerful messaging platform that will transform the potency of your business messaging and marketing for years to come!

StoryBrand Bonus 1

Brand Identity & Messaging Guide

This extensive guide will serve as the foundation for all future messaging and marketing. (ex: website copy, email campaigns, social media content…)

The 35+ page guide includes: Brand Narrative, Brand Archetype, One Liner, Word Bank, Tag Line and an extensive Marketing Playbook.

StoryBrand Bonus 2


Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

Total Value = $13,000

Today’s Price = Only $2997

7 Day Refund Guarantee

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A: Your answer goes here

Q: Question goes right here?

A: Your answer goes here

Q: Question goes right here?

A: Your answer goes here

Q: Question goes right here?

A: Your answer goes here

Q: Question goes right here?

A: Your answer goes here

Q: Question goes right here?

A: Your answer goes here

Q: Question goes right here?

A: Your answer goes here

Q: Question goes right here?

A: Your answer goes here

Money Back Guarantee

Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?

A: Yes absolutely! We swear by our training, so much so we offer a 7-Day no-questions-asked money-back-guarantee.









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